The Cambridge Backs

Experience the charm of the Cambridge University Backs through either an immersive Walking Tour or a Punting Tour, where exclusive views of history and architecture come to life!



Cambridge Backs

A picturesque stretch of green along the River Cam, is a charming and popular tourist attraction in the heart of Cambridge.


This idylic area is famous for its stunning views, lush meadows, and historic college buildings that line the riverbanks. Visitors can take leisurely walks or go punting along the river, enjoying the serene atmosphere and breathtaking scenery. The backs provide a unique perspective on Cambridge’s rich history and academic legacy, with iconic landmarks such as King’s College Chapel and Bridge of Sighs visible from the river.

Whether you’re seeking a peaceful escape, a romantic outing, or a chance to immerse yourself in the city’s heritage, a visit to the the Cambridge Backs is a must do experience that will leave you captivated by its beauty and tranquility.

Cambridge Backs Walking Tour

Experience the beauty and history of the Cambridge Backs with our bespoke walking tour led by our award winning tour guides. our expert guides will provide you with fascinating insights into the rich history of Cambridge’s Colleges, sharing captivating stories along the way!

Cambridge Backs Punting

The grounds of the University of Cambridge are located on private property, adding to the charm and exclusivity of the renowned institution. While public access to the grounds are limited, one popular way to experience multiple Colleges is through our punting tour.

Prefer a self guided walking tour?